Park Place Congregational Church UCC

71 Park Place 

Pawtucket, RI 02860

Activities & Mission Events

Park Place Church Events


Advent Season is Here!

Join us on the 15th, as we welcome 8 New Members! 

Dedication of our renovated & redesigned Thrift Shop. Join us as we dedicate our Thrift Shop in loving memory of George Grenier.


December 1st, 1st Sunday of Advent / Holy Communion- 10 a.m. Come join us for a wonderful worship, praising God with beautiful music and participate in Holy Communion. Please join Pastor Wayne, Communion Servers: Cindy Boulay & Anna Cote; our choir with Jane Bedia on keyboard. All are Welcome

December 8th, 2nd Sunday of Advent Worship Service - 10 a.m. Join Pastor Wayne, Maria Tavarozzi – lay reader, with our Chancel Choir with Jane Bedia on keyboard. Budget Meeting following service.

December 15th, 3rd Sunday of Advent Worship Service - 10 a.m. Join Pastor Wayne, Kristine Gervais – lay reader, our Chancel Choir with Jane Bedia on keyboard. Celebration of New Members! Dedication of our renovated Thrift Shop in memory of George Grenier.

December 22th, Fourth Sunday of Advent Worship Service – 10 a.m. Join Pastor Wayne,

December 24th, Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Service – 5:45 p.m. Join Pastor Wayne, with our Chancel Choir with Jane Bedia on keyboard. Come and Celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Savior.