All are Welcome to any and all Worship Services!
Worship is a 10 a.m. each Sunday!
March 2nd, Transfiguration Sunday /Holy Communion Worship 10 a.m. – Please join Pastor Wayne, Judy Ouellette – lay reader, our chancel choir with Jane Bedia on keyboard for worship. Holy Communion is open to all. Communion Servers: Cindy Boulay & Kristine Gervais.
March 5th: - Ash Wednesday/Healing Service 7 p.m. All Are Welcome! Come let us begin this Lenten Journey together!
March 9th, - First Sunday in Lent - Worship Service - 10 a.m. Please join Pastor Wayne, Michael Ruo – lay reader; our Chancel Choir with Jane Bedia on keyboard.
March 16th, Second Sunday in Lent - Worship Service - 10 a.m.– Please join Pastor Wayne, our Chancel Choir with Justin Cahoon our guest keyboardist.
March 23rd, Third Sunday in Lent - Worship Service – 10 a.m. - Please join Pastor Wayne, our Chancel Choir with Jane Bedia on keyboard.
March 30th, Fourth Sunday in Lent – Worship Service – 10 a.m. – Please join Pastor Wayne, our Chancel Choir with Jane Bedia on keyboard.
Children's Worship -
We will be offering children's Sunday School on special occasions.
“Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matthew 19:14)