Park Place Congregational Church UCC

71 Park Place 

Pawtucket, RI 02860

Outreach into the Community:

We also have various outreaches into the community. Every few months a different outreach is announced! Posting events will be made here and in our monthly newsletter!  

Ministries within Park Place Church:

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry  continues to add to the lives of all who receive them. We meet on the third Sunday of each month from 2-3:30 p.m. If you’d like to join us, please come. All are welcome. If you cannot attend our meetings and you’d like to make a shawl or two, please feel free to do so! We will graciously accept your shawl donations. Shawls can be either knitted or crocheted and should measure 25-30 inches wide and 70 inches in length. If you are an experienced knitter, you may visit some on-line sites to find fancy patterns, although a simple garter stitch is all that is needed. Thank you in advance for supporting our Prayer Shawl Ministry. If you are helping us, please let us know via phone or email: 401-726-2800 or

Park Place Thrift Shop-Our Thrift Shop is Open Wednesdays & Saturdays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Our shop has items from clothing to books and everything in-between. Our clothing includes business clothes, casual, sports clothes, children's items to adult sizes. Donations to our shop are always welcomed. 

Chancel Choir - sings beautifully contemporary and traditional spiritual music. They are truly an uplifting experience. Directed by Minister of Music: Pastor Wayne Patenaude. Our Keyboardist is Jane Bedia.

Hand Bell Choir - Our Hand Bell Choir lends it's musical talents of praise on special events and services.

PRIDE Event: We participate in Rhode Island Pride events. 2025 we will be holding a booth along the Pride parade route in June. 

All Activities are always open to anyone interested in joining or just to drop in for a visit.